Vánoce v O2 areně

Vánoce v O2 areně

In the wonderful Christmas atmosphere of the O2 arena, a musical story unfolded featuring songs by artists such as Richard Krajčo, Adam Plachetka, Dasha, Kateřina Marie Tichá, Ondřej Ruml, and Pokáč, accompanied by the Hradec Philharmonic and a choir.

The most beautiful, touching, captivating, and emotional event kept us waiting until almost the end of the year.

Our long-dreamed project, combining symphonic music and popular artists in the style of Night of the Proms, finally came to fruition in 2023, where it could be showcased in full strength. And perhaps due to the unfortunate and somber day of December 22, the need for unity and a radiant atmosphere was even greater, something this project undoubtedly delivered.

Photo and video